Half-Life: Alyx is a full-length VR prequel coming in 2022, and Valve Index owners get it free - downinghousle
Fractional-Life: Alyx
Valve released its excellent Index virtual reality headset in Crataegus oxycantha, and at the prison term everyone expected a bombshell game to proceed with it. Rumors that it was Half life themed were swirling even then, not necessarily the long-awaited Half life 3 but…something. The first Half-Life themed "something" in over a decennium.
Earlier this week Valve confirmed the rumors, announcing (sort-of) Half life: Alyx, and calling it their "flagship VR game." And it is definitely that, with Valve updating the ancient Half-Liveliness website today for the first time in a decade, disclosure that Alyx is a "full-length" $60 game due to passing for "all Personal computer-based VR headsets" on March 20, 2020—though Index owners (either the headset or the cheaper controllers) will get it for free. A little added incentive to buy Valve's hardware instead of a Vive or Rupture.
Regrettably, Valve also confirmed IT's definitely not Half life 3. More care Half-Life 1.5, really—meaning Alyx takes place between the events of the freehanded Half-Life and Half-Life 2. A pre-sequel, to borrow a term from Borderlands. From the release:
"Set between the events of Half life and Half life 2, Alyx Vance and her father Eli secretly mount the ohmic resistanc to the brutal job of Worldly concern away a mysterious alien race known A The Combine. Atomic number 3 Alyx, players lease the fight to the Combine to save the future of humanity."
So uh…pretty much on the dot what you'd gestate from a game set between Half-Life and Half life 2. The latter began with Gordon Freewoman awakening from stasis to find the Mix had already conquered Earth, but now I guess we'll buzz off to see the famed Sevener Hour War for ourselves. Reefer around for that G-Man cameo, as well.

The hope I guess—at least for those of us who care about VR—is that Alyx volition be groundbreaking plenty to driveway the great unwashed espousal of the weapons platform. That's ever been a factor derriere these Half-Life VR rumors, real. Half life 2 is the game that forced Steam clean onto millions of PCs, effectively propelling us into the era of digital game downloads. People gnashed their dentition and complained, but Valve's vision North Korean won in the end.
Whether Fractional-Life: Alyx will testify likewise compelling? I'm not sure. The potential is there, as a built-for-VRHalf life could prove just equally revolutionary as Half-Life 2's physics did at the sentence. And hey, the fact it works on the $399 Oculus Rift S even as easily As the $1,000 Exponent is a good start. The roadblock to entry isn't too, too treble.

Still, it's hard to know. We've had plenty of VR shooters, galore of them quite good. Can Valve micturate something substantially better? Or if non, does the Half-Lifetime name have a bun in the oven enough cachet to drive headset gross sales happening its own? I supposition we'll find out in a few short months.
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Hayden writes nearly games for PCWorld and doubles as the resident Zork partisan.
Source: https://www.pcworld.com/article/398388/half-life-alyx-vr-prequel-2020-valve-index-free.html
Posted by: downinghousle.blogspot.com
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